Friday, February 11, 2011

Reverse Compounding Formula

La statua di Zeus e cinque teste imperiali

The findings of the third century after Christ have surfaced Monday morning during the excavations, financed by a group of entrepreneurs on a Roman villa found in an area of \u200b\u200bpublic green areas. The thrill of discovery in tale of archaeologists SOURCE THE REPUBLIC OF CARLO ALBERTO BUCCI
Il miracolo lungo la via Anagnina ha preso forma in un meraviglioso Zeus dal corpo apollineo e in altre cinque sorprendenti teste imperiali del III secolo dopo Cristo. Sculture perfettamente conservate a poche zolle di terra sotto il piano verde della campagna romana. E già bellissime alla luce del tramonto - appoggiate sul prato prima di venire avvolte nella stoffa e portare ai restauratori - anche se ancora piene di terra negli occhi e fango tra i capelli.

Zeus and the family of Severi

But he knows of a miracle is the fact that archaeologists - in times of draconian cuts to culture - have come to the extraordinary discovery yesterday morning thanks to the money (about € 100 thousand) that a group of entrepreneurs has made available to dig the Roman villa came to light last June in an area designated for public park after receiving the go ahead by officials of the Superintendent to develop the site.

Under attack the mayor Alemanno, who would not want any links between your feet when it comes to works such as the gypsy camp of the beard or yards underground, scholars of Roman antiquities of the state have put a segno un nuovo, importante ritrovamento: una lussuosa dimora di campagna che ha inaspettatamente celato fino a ieri sei sculture nascoste in una vasca.

"Stavamo levando la terra quando è spuntata una nuca bianca: era l´acconciatura di una matrona romana. L´abbiamo pulita e tolta dalla buca, ma ecco che accanto è apparsa la testina di un bambino, e poi come d´incanto anche le due teste degli imperatori, fino all´erma e allo Zeus" racconta ancora emozionata l´archeologa Magda Fossati che con Davide Pellandra sta portando avanti gli scavi per conto della Soprintendenza speciale di Roma guidata da Anna Maria Moretti. "Ho ancora la pelle d´oca: così tante, tutte insieme, e poi è come se chi le ha nascoste he made sure they got to us without incident, "added Daniel Spadoni, assistant engineer of the Superintendent. In fact, the faces were not thrown together, face-to-earth, and between a marble and the other was as padding tuff to protect the statues that show evidence of chippings prior to burial.

The suburban house was stripped of his best marble, columns and trim. But under the top of the grass for grazing has kept the scope of this princely residence of the campaign: and the digging - that needs to be done other funding, before covering it again after all cataloged and photographed the remains - it can see "in the" mosaic floors of the early imperial age and above, the mosaic floors later.

excavations must be completed, and the scientific analysis has just begun: the building's history of imperial Rome is still studied and fully understood. Remains yellow because someone buried in a bathtub in the center of the atrium of the marble of the family treasure. It is the beauty of the sculptures, pieces of a gallery of statues and bas-relief which includes a male found a head in recent months.
(09 February 2011)


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