Only a few kilometers after we Shelik outside of any form of civilization: there is only desert and a road as straight as a sword that cuts through. Even wild horses and an occasional rider, who had the encounter in typical scenarios like this, there are no more, as there are houses, refreshment or a blade of shadow
E’ questo mare d’erba che l’Europa ha sempre visto come la più grande minaccia, la benzina che alimentava la cavalleria delle orde turco-mongole, sarmate, unne che distrussero Roma e Atene.
Millecinquecento anni prima degli europei questi popoli inventarono la guerra di corsa, fatta a cavallo, sfruttando this natural environment and their legendary ability to ride. Some studies have shown that even the armor of our medieval knights, the cooked, the helmets were invented here, by the ancestors of the Kazakhs and knights resumed only later by Europeans. Alexander the Great, the direction is reversed and the Europeans to invade Central Asia, but the meaning does not change: The Big Story has always gone through these steppes. Today we cross ourselves.
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