Thursday, March 10, 2011

Desert Eagle Gold Airs

: arrested two guards dell'Opg Aversa

OPG Aversa
Due agenti di polizia penitenziaria in servizio nell'ospedale psichiatrico giudiziario “ Filippo Saporito ” di Aversa sono agli arresti domiciliari con l’infamante accusa di violenza sessuale mediante abuso di autorità ai danni di un paziente-carcerato transessuale della struttura. Gli episodi, risalenti al 2008, sono emersi dalle confidenze fatte dall'internato a una psichiatra in servizio nell’ospedale-carcere aversano che, negli ultimi tempi sembra voler riconquistare la propria famedi lager che aveva negli anni ottanta. Le ordinanze di custodia agli arresti domiciliari, emesse dal gip di Santa Maria Capua Vetere su richiesta della procura, sono state eseguite stamane dalla sezione di polizia giudiziaria del provveditorato Regional Prisons, or the same body of membership of the two defendants. targeted by prosecutors for at least six episodes that saw the two guards facing charges of sexual extortion, rebuilt by the inmate in the hospital also be given before the investigating judge. The two, separately, have pressed for an internship transsexual oral sex. Reports not extorted by force or violence, but taking advantage of the state of subjection in which the prisoner and paid to the position of authority covered by the agents. One of the episodes, according to investigators have found, there has been during a search of the victim while he was in his cell. The trans, according to investigators and prosecutors, would satisfy the sexual demands of the two captors for fear of retaliation, and for the hope of getting a better deal "in that authentic hell that is the psychiatric hospital judiciary ", as he told the judges. incident there is also a joint statement of the Prosecutor of Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Corrado Lembo, and adding Raffaella Capasso, which states that "the conduct envisaged as particularly serious, as committed in a reality sentence - as verified in the course of other investigations of sull'Opg Aversa - much more dramatic than prison. "Doubts were also dissolved on the credibility of the victim. The transsexual, in fact, has undergone a psychiatric evaluation that found" the full capacity of the subject to perceive and correctly reconstruct reality. "


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