Sunday, January 30, 2011

Is It Wrong To Laugh At This


In the house of Brindisi is victory. The Aversa beats biancazzurri 2-1
BRINDISI (4-3-3): Locatelli, Piro (34'st Camposeo ), Mottola, Conte, Fruci; Caravaglio, Tundo (10'st Morley) Pollidori (23'st Gennari), D'Avanzo, Maiorino, Matarazzo. A disp.: Ingrosso, Papa, Vicentini, De Cesare. All.: Rastelli.
AVERSA NORMANNA (4-3-1-2): Pettinari; Letizia (1’st De Gol) Mattera Di Girolamo Gallo; Petagine Arini Massimo (1’st Zolfo); Grieco; Varriale (22’st Tovalieri) Ercolano. A disp.: Polise, Campanella, Vecchione, Pisani. All.: Ferazzoli.
ARBITRO: Albertini di Ascoli Piceno
Guardalinee: Bevere e Bisbano
MARCATORI: 24’pt Ercolano (A), 32’pt Maiorino (B), 5’st Grieco (A)
AMMONITI: Di Girolamo (A), Massimo (A), Piro (B), Conte (B)
NOTES: Attendance 723. Corners: 4-6 for Aversa Normanna. Rec: pt 3 ', st 5'.
BRINDISI - upon to suffer, you know. But the important thing is that the Aversa Normanna has returned from Brindisi with all three points to stay hooked to train more and play-off. Mister Ferazzoli out of this trip with the knowledge that they can count on a team mature, practical and able to play and win, on land in poor condition. Start the race and on the corner of 10'pt Maiorino off D'Avanzo, whose header ends high over the crossbar of the goal defended by Pettinari. 7'dopo Varriale comes dangerously close Locatelli blue-white area, but anticipates it out. At 19 ', the former Matarazzo network tries to pierce the shell but it is inaccurate and shoots high without creating major problems. 5'dopo, though, Aversa shows what stuff is made. At the corner the ball comes Mattera at the bottom that starts up a perfect cross which hits the head of Hercules, which stands above opponents and defenders of the lunges without any problems the opening goal grenade. The Brindisi, however, there is, and after 2 'is dangerous with a lob that Maiorino Pettinari deflects for a corner. The advantage is short grenade. At 32'pt, in fact, Round slips away to the defense puts in half a grenade and inviting cross for that sub-Maiorino insacca, riportando i suoi sul pari. 8’dopo è ancora l’attaccante brindisino a farsi sotto ma il suo tiro è sbilenco e termina abbondantemente a lato. L’Aversa non subisce il colpo e cerca di fare il possibile ma, complice anche il terreno pesante va sul pari negli spogliatoi. Nella ripresa mister Ferazzoli opta per due cambi al 1’st mandando in cambio De Gol e Zolfo in vece di Letizia e Massimo. I granata partono bene e dopo pochi secondi mettono paura al Brindisi con Petagine che serve Ercolano che prova a girare di tacco facendo terminare la sfera alta sulla traversa della porta difesa da Locatelli. I padroni di casa non fanno aspettare la reazione che arriva al 3’st con l’ex Matarazzo che calcia verso la porta granata dove Pettinari securely grounded. Skip recently and is still the goalkeeper grenade out to foil a fast opponent and anticipating biancazzurri outposts. At 5'st, after gusts of Brindisi, the Aversa Normanna overwhelmingly back the lead with Grieco, which served as Gallo, is starting a shot from the edge of dry slips away where nell'angolino Locatelli can not reach. 4'dopo the network Aversa 2-1 Maiorino search the net with a low shot that ends insidious slowly to the right of the goal defended by Pettinari remove the bottom leaves. In 26'st back to knock the Aversa Normanna Grieco with that on corner Locatelli called the deviation in angle. 3'dopo yet i granata pericolosissimi con un tiro di Gallo che viene deviato da un difensore avversario finendo di poco a lato. Il giovanissimo Brindisi non molla e prova a darsi una mossa con un tiro dalla lunga distanza di Maiorino che non finisce di molto al di sopra della porta granata. In campo, però, c’è solo l’Aversa Normanna che amministra ed attacca, rendendosi pericolosa al 43’st con una punizione dalla distanza di Mattera che sfiora di poco la rete. 1’dopo il difensore granata fa battere una nuova a punizione a Grieco che calcia a giro trovando l’intervento in presa di Locatelli. C'è ormai poco da dire in campo e far scorrere i minuti che portano l'Aversa Normanna alla vittoria ed alla conquista dei tre punti in casa del Brindisi. The final whistle of the referee marks the end of hostilities and the grenade is again time to rejoice.

Spezzaferri: "Happy for the win, but poor sportsmanship from Brindisi leadership"
's great joy after the victory of President Spezzaferri dell'Aversa in Norman house of Brindisi 2-1. "I'm very happy for the win - said the chief executive grenade - and the result that the boys have been on a difficult pitch and against a team that we knew would sell life dearly. The players all dell'Aversa the technician and I applaud the leadership and that of the whole. " At the same time, the President recognizes Spezzarri sporting players on the Brindisi, "from sports and as President I congratulate the players of Brindisi - continued - for the heart with which they have played and demonstrated attachment to the shirt they wear. In sport, these are important values \u200b\u200bthat should involve society as a whole and not just who takes the field. " In the words of a number Aversa there is great bitterness as he confirms himself: "I speak to different values \u200b\u200bbecause I have not seen - he concludes - the same blue-white leadership in sportsmanship. At the end of the game, it is precisely those Brindisi exponents have demonstrated an attitude towards us verbally abusive to the point of force to get away for not following up to unpleasant episodes that I hope will never happen again. Never forget that the game of football and sportsmanship, fair play and composure as always Aversa Normanna has shown. "


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