Sunday, January 30, 2011

Is It Wrong To Laugh At This


In the house of Brindisi is victory. The Aversa beats biancazzurri 2-1
BRINDISI (4-3-3): Locatelli, Piro (34'st Camposeo ), Mottola, Conte, Fruci; Caravaglio, Tundo (10'st Morley) Pollidori (23'st Gennari), D'Avanzo, Maiorino, Matarazzo. A disp.: Ingrosso, Papa, Vicentini, De Cesare. All.: Rastelli.
AVERSA NORMANNA (4-3-1-2): Pettinari; Letizia (1’st De Gol) Mattera Di Girolamo Gallo; Petagine Arini Massimo (1’st Zolfo); Grieco; Varriale (22’st Tovalieri) Ercolano. A disp.: Polise, Campanella, Vecchione, Pisani. All.: Ferazzoli.
ARBITRO: Albertini di Ascoli Piceno
Guardalinee: Bevere e Bisbano
MARCATORI: 24’pt Ercolano (A), 32’pt Maiorino (B), 5’st Grieco (A)
AMMONITI: Di Girolamo (A), Massimo (A), Piro (B), Conte (B)
NOTES: Attendance 723. Corners: 4-6 for Aversa Normanna. Rec: pt 3 ', st 5'.
BRINDISI - upon to suffer, you know. But the important thing is that the Aversa Normanna has returned from Brindisi with all three points to stay hooked to train more and play-off. Mister Ferazzoli out of this trip with the knowledge that they can count on a team mature, practical and able to play and win, on land in poor condition. Start the race and on the corner of 10'pt Maiorino off D'Avanzo, whose header ends high over the crossbar of the goal defended by Pettinari. 7'dopo Varriale comes dangerously close Locatelli blue-white area, but anticipates it out. At 19 ', the former Matarazzo network tries to pierce the shell but it is inaccurate and shoots high without creating major problems. 5'dopo, though, Aversa shows what stuff is made. At the corner the ball comes Mattera at the bottom that starts up a perfect cross which hits the head of Hercules, which stands above opponents and defenders of the lunges without any problems the opening goal grenade. The Brindisi, however, there is, and after 2 'is dangerous with a lob that Maiorino Pettinari deflects for a corner. The advantage is short grenade. At 32'pt, in fact, Round slips away to the defense puts in half a grenade and inviting cross for that sub-Maiorino insacca, riportando i suoi sul pari. 8’dopo è ancora l’attaccante brindisino a farsi sotto ma il suo tiro è sbilenco e termina abbondantemente a lato. L’Aversa non subisce il colpo e cerca di fare il possibile ma, complice anche il terreno pesante va sul pari negli spogliatoi. Nella ripresa mister Ferazzoli opta per due cambi al 1’st mandando in cambio De Gol e Zolfo in vece di Letizia e Massimo. I granata partono bene e dopo pochi secondi mettono paura al Brindisi con Petagine che serve Ercolano che prova a girare di tacco facendo terminare la sfera alta sulla traversa della porta difesa da Locatelli. I padroni di casa non fanno aspettare la reazione che arriva al 3’st con l’ex Matarazzo che calcia verso la porta granata dove Pettinari securely grounded. Skip recently and is still the goalkeeper grenade out to foil a fast opponent and anticipating biancazzurri outposts. At 5'st, after gusts of Brindisi, the Aversa Normanna overwhelmingly back the lead with Grieco, which served as Gallo, is starting a shot from the edge of dry slips away where nell'angolino Locatelli can not reach. 4'dopo the network Aversa 2-1 Maiorino search the net with a low shot that ends insidious slowly to the right of the goal defended by Pettinari remove the bottom leaves. In 26'st back to knock the Aversa Normanna Grieco with that on corner Locatelli called the deviation in angle. 3'dopo yet i granata pericolosissimi con un tiro di Gallo che viene deviato da un difensore avversario finendo di poco a lato. Il giovanissimo Brindisi non molla e prova a darsi una mossa con un tiro dalla lunga distanza di Maiorino che non finisce di molto al di sopra della porta granata. In campo, però, c’è solo l’Aversa Normanna che amministra ed attacca, rendendosi pericolosa al 43’st con una punizione dalla distanza di Mattera che sfiora di poco la rete. 1’dopo il difensore granata fa battere una nuova a punizione a Grieco che calcia a giro trovando l’intervento in presa di Locatelli. C'è ormai poco da dire in campo e far scorrere i minuti che portano l'Aversa Normanna alla vittoria ed alla conquista dei tre punti in casa del Brindisi. The final whistle of the referee marks the end of hostilities and the grenade is again time to rejoice.

Spezzaferri: "Happy for the win, but poor sportsmanship from Brindisi leadership"
's great joy after the victory of President Spezzaferri dell'Aversa in Norman house of Brindisi 2-1. "I'm very happy for the win - said the chief executive grenade - and the result that the boys have been on a difficult pitch and against a team that we knew would sell life dearly. The players all dell'Aversa the technician and I applaud the leadership and that of the whole. " At the same time, the President recognizes Spezzarri sporting players on the Brindisi, "from sports and as President I congratulate the players of Brindisi - continued - for the heart with which they have played and demonstrated attachment to the shirt they wear. In sport, these are important values \u200b\u200bthat should involve society as a whole and not just who takes the field. " In the words of a number Aversa there is great bitterness as he confirms himself: "I speak to different values \u200b\u200bbecause I have not seen - he concludes - the same blue-white leadership in sportsmanship. At the end of the game, it is precisely those Brindisi exponents have demonstrated an attitude towards us verbally abusive to the point of force to get away for not following up to unpleasant episodes that I hope will never happen again. Never forget that the game of football and sportsmanship, fair play and composure as always Aversa Normanna has shown. "

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ranch King Snow Blower


Naples, assault in a supermarket
Bandits killed by vigilante and policeman son
One of the robbers was 16

The two agents , out of service, were in the market of

who ordered a halt. But young people have started shooting were Giugliano and Villaricca.

clean record, had arrived on a motorbike

NAPLES - It was rebuilt by the investigators of the dynamics of robbery ended in blood tonight Qualiano (Napoli). The two bandits, Lello Topo, 24, and Dominic V. Villaricca 16, Giugliano, who came away Palumbo on board a motorcycle, approached the security guard who was on duty in front of the supermarket.
The two - the second version of the police - have disarmed the vigilante and headed to the speakers. At the cashier, another security guard, but outside servizio, hanno intimato di consegnare tutto il denaro.

L' uomo ha preso i soldi e li ha dati ai banditi sotto la minaccia delle armi: nel frattempo è giunto nel negozio un giovane carabiniere, anche egli fuori servizio, figlio del cassiere. A questo punto il cassiere ha impugnato la sua pistola ed ha fatto fuoco, colpendo Topo.

Il 16 enne ha tentato la fuga, dirigendosi verso l'uscita, impugnando la pistola e rivolgendola contro il carabiniere. È stato esploso un colpo, che ha ferito Domenico V. al torace. Il 16 enne è stramazzato a terra davanti all'ingresso del supermercato, dove è rimasto agonizzante fino all' arrivo dei soccorsi del 118, ma è morto prima del trasporto in ospedale.

Il supermercato affiliato alla Crai aveva aperto i battenti da pochi mesi in via Palumbo, una stradina periferica a poca distanza dalla Villa Comunale e dalla Guardia medica, che conduce dal centro di Qualiano - Comune di 30 mila abitanti dell' entroterra a nord di Napoli - alla Circumvallazione esterna.

Una strada velocissima da percorrere. È qui che stasera si è consumata la tragedia.

Alle 18.30 c' era ancora gente per strada quando si sono uditi in modo distinto i colpi di pistola. In tanti sono accorsi sul posto ed hanno visto il 16enne ancora agonizzante a terra, hanno cercato di rianimarlo insieme al personale of 118 occurred, but there 'was nothing to do.

Hundreds of people, especially young, late into the night, they looked beyond the barriers of the police men who carried out the surveys. Among them are relatives of the victims, prey to terror. The 24-year-old son was one year. The 16-year-old, on the ground, shows much more of his age.

Along the road were completed in the past some shots. To those who say that to make them sign is always "people who come from outside", people willing to do anything to raise a few hundred euro with a gun in his hand. The security here is a very salient issue, a ' emergency is detected on the skin of all citizens of 'hinterland, even in the nearby town of Giugliano, with its 120 000 inhabitants, is the ringleader.

by Monday morning the Prefect of Naples, Andrea De Martino was called away to a meeting of the Committee 's order and public safety. A summit already fixed that in the light of this' last event theme will be the strengthening of controls especially in the evenings on weekends. By way of stopping in Palumbo youth groups in tears, but they do not want to talk. Are the friends of the two robbers killed. In a hasty move away reporters: "Let it be, is not the time to talk."

«Era un figlio di mamma», dice una donna, con un'espressione tipicamente napoletana, guardando a terra il copro del 16 enne, mentre gli investigatori portano a termine i rilievi. Intanto a poche centinaia di metri decine di ragazzini nonostante il freddo continuano a scorrazzare sui motorini.

Sabato 29 Gennaio 2011 - 19:50

Make Money Hunting Ranch

IDENTITY 'GOLOSE - Winelove - A risotto for MILANO


The long awaited day has arrived ....

has long had a strong desire to attend this important event
and does not seem true that today, thanks to the great creator of

'IDENTITY' GOLOSE, Paolo Marchi,

I will be able to realize my dream. Today

then will cross the threshold of the Milan Convention Center and at 16 I'll be at
presentation of the first of several proposed by Chefs Risotto, which will be presented by the fabulous Babs!
(for details read the blog post:
http://chezbabs, with

and also today's post of Manu, very detailed, up

I'll be happy to meet and know personally many /
and food-lovers who will participate.

will certainly not forget that day ...

Friday, January 28, 2011

Red Broken Veins On Breast

Oranges Health

TART WITH ORANGE: See recipe for January 19, 2010 - Labels: On 2800 Oranges

squares throughout Italy, you can buy a bag of oranges (three kg. Nine euro) . Also very important will be given a booklet "Small gourmet healthy" with the recipes of Italian cuisine, with valuable information on nutrition specialmente per i bambini. Prevenire i tumori già da piccoli,
è una cosa essenziale.

Where Is The 16 Digit Numbers On Hollister Card


ULTIMISSIME : Il Parco Pozzi è stato dissequestrato e riconsegnato alla città by the Police of the NOE.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Coin Tape For Verruca


Essendo un’amante della tradizione non ho potuto
resistere alla tentazione di preparare gli “ Involtini di
cavolo verza “ che sono un tipico piatto invernale
della nostra cucina della Brianza, denominate anche
“Polpette di verze”. Proprio una ricetta che sa di casa,
che mi remember my grandmother and my dear mother.

The original recipe does not include the sauce
of vegetables and tomatoes, that's my version for

CABBAGE ROLLS Ingredients for 4:

12 large cabbage leaves
300 g. ground beef
150 g. 1 roll of sausage

3 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese 1 egg


nutmeg 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1
chopped ¼ onion, celery and carrot
1 clove of garlic a
pinch of chopped parsley
150 g.
peeled tomatoes 1-2 tablespoons of tomato paste 1 bay leaf

sale, pepe

Mescolare in una terrina la carne tritata, la salsiccia
spellata, il parmigiano, l’uovo, la mollica del panino
bagnata nel latte e ben strizzata, una grattata di noce moscata,
sale, pepe e un pizzico di prezzemolo tritato con lo spicchio
Amalgamare molto bene per avere un impasto omogeneo.
Sbollentare per pochi minuti le foglie di verza, scolarle e
asciugarle con la carta da cucina.
Suddividere il composto del ripieno in 12 polpette, metterle
sulle foglie di verza e arrotolarle bene a fagottino, chiudendole
con spago da cucina.
Versare l’olio in un tegame antiaderente e rosolarvi qualche
fettina di cipolla, poi mettervi gli involtini a farli rosolare
a fuoco vivace girandoli delicatamente perché coloriscano
in modo uniforme.
Aggiungere il battuto di verdure e far rosolare per altri
cinque minuti., quindi unire i pelati schiacciati con una
forchetta. e anche il concentrato di pomodoro.
Mescolare, salare, incoperchiare e proseguire sino a cottura
per circa 60 minuti, aggiungendo ogni tanto qualche cucchiaio
di brodo caldo.
Servire gli involtini ben nappati con il loro fondo di cottura.
Ottimo accompagnare con una morbida polenta, oppure
con riso al burro.

Con questo piatto partecipo a MTChallenge di gennaio

Convert Tub To Walk In Shower



per 4 persone :

250 g. di petto di pollo lessato
2 patate lessate
100 g. di prosciutto cotto
2 uova
50 g. di grana grattugiato
un cucchiaio di pane grattugiato
un poco di prezzemolo tritato
sale, pepe e noce moscata
burro q.b.
pane grattugiato q.b.

Passate il pollo, le patate e il prosciutto al tritacarne e raccogliete
il trito in una terrina; incorporatevi il formaggio grattugiato, le uova,
il prezzemolo tritato e se necessario un cucchiaio di pan grattato,
sale, pepe e un pizzico di noce moscata.
Amalgamate gli ingredienti with a wooden spoon and form
many meatballs. Pass them directly into the breadcrumbs.
In a baking pan with butter enough
fry the meatballs, turning the other side.
Serve hot.

How To Open Undf Format

Finisce come all'andata: Isola Liri ed Aversa Normanna pareggiano 1-1

Isola Liri - NORMAN AVERSA 1-1
Isola Liri (4-2-3-1): Fiorini, Martinelli Mucciarelli Paolacci La Rocca, Costanzo Lucchese; Vigna Raphael Conte ( 28'st Bussi); Bianchini. A disp.: Iannarilli, Sperati, Acampora, Martial, Cira, Jukic. Herds: Grossi.
AVERSA NORMAN (4-3-3): Pettinari, Campanella Letizia Di Girolamo Gallo (40'st De Gol), Petagine (28'st Palumbo) Arini Massimo (39'st Vecchione) Varriale Ercolano Grieco. A disp.: Polis, Sulfur, Tovalieri, Pisani. Herds: Ferazzoli.
Referee: Francesco di Teramo.
Guardalinee: Oliveri e Mandis.
MARCATORI: 28’pt Conte (I), 41’pt Ercolano (A)
AMMONITI: Gallo (A), Petagine (A), Costanzo (I), Ercolano (A), Campanella (A), Paolacci (I)
NOTE: Spettatori 400 circa. Angoli: 7-7. Rec.: pt 1’, st 3’.
ISOLA LIRI – Termina in parità il confronto tra Isola Liri ed Aversa Normanna che si dividono la posta in palio. Gara difficile per i granata che tentano il tutto per tutto fino alla fine senza, tuttavia, riuscire a portare i tre punti a casa. Prima azione del match al 4’pt con Varriale che, su perfetto cross di Gallo, colpisce debole di testa la sfera che ends of the arms Fiorini. The owners feel a very mild response. 6 'after a free-kick with Martinelli that ends far above the crossbar grenade. At 13'pt are still to be under the grenade with a shot from distance which hits high Massimo. At 15 ', however, Isola Liri is close to the net with a header by Bianchini, on corner of Costanzo, chipping the crossbar and goes out. In a flurry 28'pt Island Liri highlights the qualities that Pettinari with a flash away from the network a first header Bianchini. Kicking comes to Raphael written across it still takes a shot without making sure the accounts with Pettinari once again si supera e mette in angolo. Sulla battuta del corner la sfera arriva a Conte che calcia rasoterra una palla insidiosa che s’infila nell’angolo lontano dove Pettinari davvero non può arrivare. Il numero undici biancorosso segna, così, la rete del vantaggio ciociaro. Al 35’pt l’Aversa Normanna dimostra di sapere reagire con una punizione velenosa di Di Girolamo che Fiorini con un colpo di reni devia in angolo. 4’dopo è ancora la formazione di mister Ferazzoli a mettere paura a Fiorini con Varriale che al momento del tiro viene anticipato dall’estremo difensore isolano. Gli sforzi dell’Aversa Normanna vengono concretizzati al 41’pt da Ercolano che, servito da Petagine, la mette dentro con un colpo di testa Fiorini es'insacca joke that behind him. The grenade caught, then, the Isola Liri and postpone the attack to win the second half. It starts now strong in the second half of the race with Raphael that deviates sub-service and puts Costanzo, heel, slightly to the side. Raphael All'8'st still test the coup but his shot going too far and goes. 3'dopo Petagine kick straight at the opponent's goal but his shot ends with a puff on the side. In 21'st yellow area in grenade with the race director who assigns, so no doubt, to the Island Liri kicked two in the back pass to the wrong area. Rejects the barrier on the beat for a corner. On the corner the ball comes Count on it takes from the edge toward the door where Letizia Aversana perched on the white line rejects and saves her. In 25'st still the hosts went close to opening goal with a header by Raphael, which picks up the ball over the crossbar grenade. In 30'st still hosts on the shields with a header by Lucchese leaving just wide. In 44'st Grieco has on their feet and kicks the ball of victory without thinking. Fiorini, however, is rejected and the ball for a corner. E ', in fact, the last chance of the match that closes cover 1-1.

Friday, January 21, 2011

How Much Is Jon Cryer Make Per Episode

Identity - A risotto for Milan - Winelove

Fifteen chefs reinterpret the Milanese dish par excellence, in the second edition of "A risotto for Milan, scheduled for 29 to 31 January 2011.
While Milan is preparing to host more than 60 chefs representing some of the most anticipated seventh edition of the international conference IDENTITY 'GOLOSE (January 30-February 1), the Lombardy Productive Activities and Events of the Municipality, Giovanni Terzi, invited the chef of the "living room" in Milan to prepare for all citizens with a special risotto.
"After the success of the first edition - said the commissioner Third - the initiative back to Milan to involve all citizens in the tasting of signature dishes. A chance encounter with the great names of the table Milanese, who will never forget those who find themselves in difficulty due to the destination project's benefits. "
The second edition of" A risotto for Milan "offers a double event: it starts in center Saturday, January 29.
The risotto will take the author's signature the chef Andrea Berton Trussardi alla Scala, chef at the restaurant Daniel Canzian Marchesino The owner Gualtiero Marchesi, Filippo Gozzoli chef at the restaurant The Park Hotel Park Hyatt, Martinotti chef Ferdinand Peck, the temple of the tooth and the chef Matteo Pisciotta Restaurant Luce Varese, special guest at Peck Italian Bar
The goal is to distribute more than 3,000 rice. The portions will be proposed that will go to € 8 ANLAIDS - Lombard Section National Association for the Fight against AIDS, which promotes studies and research on AIDS in addition to important prevention campaigns and health education.
will be for all citizens an opportunity to make a good azione ma anche un’opportunità visitare luoghi prestigiosi, simbolo della migliore ristorazione milanese.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Breast Tortur Nail Hang


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Western And Southern Financial Group Scam


According to rumors, at this very hour, the Disciplinary Committee would have penalized 2 points for the Latin America and one of the Trapani.

Penalty in the standings, to be served in the current season, for a total of 35 points, in addition to fines and inhibitions, for 19 clubs Lega Pro E 'the decision of the National Disciplinary Committee, made official today, in relation to referrals of federal prosecutors for failures to comply with provisions of Commission policies infrastructure. That the amount of individual penalties: 5 points imposed on Villacidrese; 4 to Savona, and 3 to Canavese Sangiovannese, two in Latin, Spice, Alma Juventus Fano, Feralpi Salo, Tritium, 1 in Gubbio, Cavese 1919, Foggia, Valenza, Melfi, Virtus Entella, Alessandria, Como, Trapani and Pergocrema.
The procedure on the Aurora Pro Patria has been delayed, in agreement with the parties at the next February 3.
(01/19/2011) (SPR)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Music Workstation Desk


Isola Liri - Aversa: attivate 5 prevendite per assistere al match
I tifosi che vorranno assistere al confronto tra Isola Liri ed Aversa Normanna, in programma domenica, 23 Gennaio 2011, alle ore 14.30, presso lo stadio Nazareth, valevole come seconda giornata di ritorno del girone C del campionato di Lega Pro Seconda Divisione potranno acquistare i biglietti presso i seguenti punti vendita:
- Bar Jenny, via Roma 215, Aversa
- Ricevitoria Allara Anna, via Fratelli kennedy 91, Marcianise
- Planet Music & Games, Via Alcide De Gasperi 70, Santa Maria Capua Vetere
- Concerteria sas, via Schipa 23, Naples
- Box Office Napoli, Galleria Umberto I n.17, Napoli.
The coupons can be purchased only by holders of the fan and have the price of ten (10) plus € presale fee.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Alloderm Gum Grafting Price


Oggi anch'io mi sono unita a tutti i cuochi del mondo che celebrano la Giornata Mondiale della Cucina Italiana - "International Day of Italian Cuisine" con il PESTO alla genovese.

Protagonista della cucina Ligure è il Pesto, fatto di foglie di basilico,
pestate nel mortaio assieme a pinoli, aglio e formaggio (parmigiano e pecorino)
con l'aggiunta di olio di oliva.

Condisce preferibilmente le trenette e le trofie (spesse volte fatte bollire con
fagiolini verdi e patate ) e le lasagne ed è fondamentale in minestrone alla Genovese.

For the recipe, see the labels, under the heading "Pesto"

Sunday, January 16, 2011

How To Make Slides For Slide Projector


Grinta e convinzione per l'Aversa che batte 1-0 il Campobasso
AVERSA NORMANNA (4-3-3): Pettinari; Letizia Mattera Di Girolamo Gallo (26’st De Gol); Petagine (14’st Pisani) Arini Massimo; Varriale Ercolano Grieco (14’st Tovalieri). A disp.: Polise, Campanella, Zolfo, Palumbo. All.: Ferazzoli.
CAMPOBASSO (4-3-3): Furlan; Scudieri Minadeo Di Fiordo Posillipo; Chiazzolino Cacciaglia Cammarota; Todino (20’st Sivilla) Visconti Monti (8’st Murati). A disp.: Ascani, Agresta, Calamaio, Fazi, Gallicchio. All.: Cosco.
ARBITRO: Greco di Lecce.
Guardalinee: Delle Foglie e Favia.
MARCATORI: 43’st Ercolano (A, r)
AMMONITI: Posillipo (C), Gallo (A), Cammarota (C), Furlan (C).
Espulso Mattera (A) al 33’st per fallo di reazione.
NOTE: Spettatori 1000 circa. Angoli: 10-4. Rec.: pt 1’, st 4’.
AVERSA – Una Aversa Normanna caparbia e tosta fino alla fine tiene anche in dieci uomini e batte il Campobasso 1-0, dimostrando grande carattere ed abnegazione. It starts and the first action 5'pt dangerous dell'Aversa Norman shot that goes with Grieco, whose low shot was rejected by the opposing goalkeeper Furlan. The mild response of Campobasso all'11'pt comes with a header blocked by Cammarota Pettinari. 3'dopo are still visitors to try the shot from the edge with Chiazzolino. Pettinari's there and takes over the ball without any problems. At 21'pt back under the formation of Ferazzoli Petagine serving with the head of Herculaneum which is prone to blow Furlan. 1'dopo Todino for the Wolves, has written a nice shot in the air and the goalkeeper deflects shrapnel. At 24'pt Minadeo harakiri and try to beat her door but is responsive Furlan and avoid the authority of the partner making the corner. The race is balanced and based on that grenade blasts as the 40'pt Di Girolamo trying a shot that ends really a blow to the side. The first time there are other emotions and the two teams are placed in retirement goalless. In the first minutes of the second half the hosts to be shot twice, with Petagine and Varriale, but the conclusions are off target and finish out. 13 'still going training grenade with a free kick by Jerome ending on the side. Massimo 4'dopo test stored in locked holding by Furlan. In 25'st Di Fjord is providential close on a header of Herculaneum and destined for the network. Defender prevents scoring and put in a corner. On the corner stands Mattera, whose header ends on the outside network. 3'dopo on a long cross from Jerome Ercolano dissociates Arini face to face with Furlan. The grenade hit the midfielder screwed his head into the fall but it is too central and the goalkeeper blocked Molise. The grenade besiege the area of \u200b\u200bMolise and the 32'st are still close to the net with a shot of that Varriale Furlan deflects for a corner. 1'dopo, however, the formation of Ferazzoli remains in ten for the expulsion of direct Mattera decreed by Mr. Greek for foul play. With the Campobasso Aversa in ten tries to make the coup with the 34'st Chiazzolino svirgola that skirts and put on the side. 7'dopo show hosts do not give up and become more dangerous with a header from Di Girolamo ending out. 42'st to change the race. Furlan out Varriale avalanche on a network and extends stolen. For the race director and rigor. From the diskette to be sure that displaces Furlan Herculaneum and deservedly takes the lead Aversa Normanna. And 'the last gasp of a match played on the nerves that rewards the formation of Ferazzoli who won three important points and rejoices in front of his audience.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Where Can I Dip My Rims

orchids for my birthday! !


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Little Wart Like Bumps On Stomach


The story dates back to Christmas 2006. Stephen Ram, president of Radio Aversa Non-profit organization and owner of "the, accidentally discovered that a forum linked to a group of motorcyclists in Emilia Romagna, inispiegabilmente and unnecessarily, it was with defaming accusations and epithets.
The Ram had to apply in writing for the cancellation of the offensive phrases but in response got a strong denial.

During today was notified of the decision with which the Civil Court ordered Mr. Aversa David Vignali (Forum Administrator) Royal Flush Ltd (owner of the domain host Foruno) and SeFlow snc (internet provider) to pay compensation in favor of the Sacrifice of the sum of € 8000.00 plus interest, as well as ulteriori € 2500,00 oltre iva e CPA per spese legali in favore dell'Avv. Tommaso Comparone che nell'occasione difendeva Stefano Montone.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wm Rogers And Son Silverware


Conferenza strampa fiume del Sindaco Ciaramella sul "dubbio" sequestro del Parco Pozzi operato ieri dalla Lida.


Il Sindaco ha fatto dischiazarzioni ardenti !
Secondo quanto dichiarato dal Primo Cittadino Aversano, il rappresentante that LIDA - Mr. Xavier Mazzarella - would be a preggiudicato with res judicata threat of armed robbery - the same is being sued for extortion by the same administration.

Incidentally Xavier Mazzarella who originally seized, apparently had no way to implement it.

According to the Local Police Commander Colonel Stephen Guarino of Aversa, seizure, it would be illegal and seriously flawed by numerous errors and the report would have significant discrepancies with what was verified by Vigili Urbani.

Ciaramella ha altresi dichiarato alla stampa che questa azione è  scaturita da una "alleanza" tra il Mazzarella, il Comitato Strisce Blu e il Giornalista Antonio Arduino.

Tutti cio' potrà essere ascoltato stasera su RADIOAVERSA.COM stasera verso le 22.00 - conferenza stampa che è durata circa un ora e 30 minuti.