Wednesday, September 2, 2009

One Hard Node In Neck

1 settembre - La terza bottiglia di plastica

Great meeting this morning at breakfast at the motel, another cyclist who does the East Coast like me, but from south to north, and is not an American and a French Marc Delval.
say he is doing the east coast is a bit 'simplistic, in reality is doing around the world, which expects to complete in 2015, but does so in stages a few months, after which it returns to France to recharge the batteries and prepare the next piece. Key West is doing now - Boston, more or less the distance and the path that I'm doing, but this spring he rode in all the islands of the Caribbean: Cuba, Santo Domingo, Bahamas, Jamaica, in 3000 km. The next step in 2010 will be Europe, which will make a sort of circumnavigation starting from Scandinavia and from there down to southern France, Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, and back north through the East: Russia, Poland and Baltics, to stop this plan to be away a year. On the rear rack has a rigid top box that contains a binder with pictures and locations that made the world a little 'as the press-book of the actors, and then another registry, much like that of luxury hotels, where people who meet him write two lines to remember.
With me is generous with maps and tips on places worth stopping after Savannah. When
meet on the way people like these, I've always a couple of curiosities: one is what they do in life, or what they did to afford it? But Marc is impossible to know more, speak only French, does not know a word of English, and this is a great mystery: how do you see the world like this?
The other thing I ask is what kind of cyclist is in the sense that the great cyclist traveler borders dangerously with ciclista-vagabondo/accattone. Sometimes it is not easy to distinguish, in the sense that there are people around the world who do not have a precise destination, are traveling for years and just live this way, and their reasons not to come and tell you, anzi di solito sono poco avvicinabili. Ma ci sono anche ciclisti-tecnici come Marc, anch’essi in giro per lungo tempo, però secondo un piano preciso che prevede un ritorno prima o poi. Come distinguerli? La differenza è sottile, ma basta guardare alle bottiglie in plastica che si portano dietro: tre o quattro bottiglie, che contengono semplice acqua sono il segno che il punto di non ritorno è stato superato: quello è il ciclista-vagabondo. Il ciclista viaggiatore invece non ne ha più di due e dentro c’è gatorade o acqua con i sali. E le borse laterali sono di qualche marca tedesca molto costosa, traspiranti, impermeabili, inaffondabili, e spesso non funzionano. Il ciclista vagabondo invece ha borse in plastica da supermercato, in quantità, e quelle sono veramente impermeabili.
Io e Marc abbiamo due sole bottiglie in plastica, ma occhio, il confine è vicino.


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